Sun, 30 Jan
RE-WATCH: New York Women Composers (NYWC) showcase concert
with the Marsyas Trio
Time & Location
30 Jan 2022, 19:00 – 20:00
About The Event
New York Women Composers (NYWC) presentation concert
RE-WATCH our online event -
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Join us in London, UK, for an intimate evening of new music by five composers, all members of the New York Women Composers, a wonderful association which supports the creation, promotion, and performance of music by women.
The concert will include some introductions by the composers.
Whitney E. George - Somewhere in Between, from Solitude & Secrecy (2021)
Elisenda Fábregas - Voces de mi Tierra (2003)
El cortejo
Noche en la Alhambra
Chen Yi - Night Thoughts (2004)
Marilyn Bliss - Chameleon (1981)
Hilary Tann - Gardens of Anna Maria Luisa de ‘Medici (2004)
Just to see something beautiful
Fools hurry, clever ones wait, wise ones walk into the garden
The quiet that calms down the wind
Supported by NYWC Seed Money Grant.